Andrew Carley
Masonry, Insulation, Lumber, Residential Building Envelope
With a background in skilled trades recruitment and community outreach, Andrew is passionate about connecting with people and helping them expand their opportunities. A lifelong learner and self-proclaimed universal nerd, he thrives on acquiring new knowledge and applying it to his craft. In his free time, Andrew enjoys exploring nature, visiting city parks, or going on bike rides with his wife, always seeking new experiences that inspire both personal and professional growth.
• With The Bridger Group since: February 2025
• Product(s) specialty: Masonry, Insulation, Lumber, Residential Building Envelope
• Favorite Starbucks order: Mocha with almond milk
• When I was a kid, my dream job was: Garbage Truck Driver
• Hidden talent: I can ride my bike backward
• My favorite part of recruiting is: Helping people find opportunities they never thought possible
• What inspires me: Celebrating the exciting details behind ordinary things
• Most common phrase I say in the office: All Righty!
• Favorite sports team: Oakland Raycats
• What I do when I’m not at work: I can often be found aimlessly wandering around town or the woods, enjoying the world around me